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Hope Team & Clients

The Hope Team treats young people ages 10-26 years old who are having unusual and extraordinary experiences, including:


  • These experiences are common in the general population (5-10% of people) however if they begin to interfere with someone’s daily life they may meet the criteria for a clinical high-risk for psychosis (CHR) syndrome.
    • The goal of identifying CHR is to intervene early and potentially prevent or postpone the onset of psychosis
    • Length of the CHR period can be several months to several years with the highest risk of transition to a psychotic disorder occurring in the first 1-2 years
    • Not everyone who meets the criteria for CHR will go on to develop a psychotic disorder (only 10-20% without treatment do), risk factors that make a transition to a psychotic disorder more likely to occur include:
      • Family history of psychotic disorder + a decline in functioning
      • High levels of suspicion and paranoia
      • Low social functioning
      • History of substance use
  • Youth in the CHR group may have: