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Treating Unusual Experiences

Clinical best practices suggest young people at CHR may benefit from

  • Ongoing monitoring of symptoms through professional assessment -> Hope Team completes evaluations every 6 months with enrolled youth
  • Treatment with a specialty medical provider/ psychiatrist -> Hope Team’s Medical Director is a psychiatrist with expertise in working with CHR young people

    • Providers can discuss medication options to treat co-existing conditions, such as those to treat existing depression or anxiety.
    • Antipsychotic medications are generally not prescribed in most cases based on best practice guidelines.
  • “Talk” therapy -> Hope Team has therapists that can work with young people

    • Most typically includes Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which has been shown to be helpful for a range of problems including depression, anxiety disorders, and more.
    • Many research studies suggest that CBT leads to significant improvement in functioning and quality of life.
    • Therapists work closely with their clients to better understand how unhelpful thinking patterns lead to behaviors, to discover ways of coping better, and to change behaviors that person wants to change.
  • Family support and education -> Hope Team offers sessions for families either with or without other family members or support persons depending on needs, interests, and preferences.
  • Other psychosocial support -> for example, group, peer, or supported education/employment support -> Hope Team currently has a weekly therapy group for teenagers.
  • Services we Provide ->